Linear Explosively Formed Penetrator
A Linear Explosively Formed Penetrator (LEFP),
a counterpart to a linear shaped charge, is
capable of projecting a massive wide metal “blade”
instead of a narrow jet or compact slug.
DET developed and built such a device for rapidly cutting through metal hedgehog obstacles, as might be encountered on a beach protected from amphibious assault. The charge we designed and tested completely
severed a 6″ wide steel I-beam.

The Linear EFP consists of a shallow copper liner in a boat-tailed box casing, which contains the explosive charge.
Below are flash radiographs showing the shape of the projected and formed copper liner. Copper is used for its high ductility and mass density.

Top view.

Side view.

Test setup of LEFP against hedgehog obstacle.

Test results, showing all members of the obstacle severed.