Computer Modeling and Simulation
Extensive Experience
DET has extensive experience in the application and development of general-purpose and special-purpose computer codes to support our research and development efforts.
We maintain an array of general-purpose physics-based computer codes for predicting warhead performance and terminal ballistics, including:
- CTH, a multi-dimensional Eulerian hydrocode
- LS-DYNA, a multi-dimensional Lagrangian finite-element code
- ALE, a multi-dimensional arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian hydrocode
- ANSYS, the commercial structural and thermal analysis code
- EPIC, a multi-dimensional Lagrangian finite-element code
Our broad array of codes means we can apply the right tool to the job. Our depth of experience with each code insures its proper application.
Several in-house Linux computer clusters provide us with the computational power to perform complex analyses in a timely manner.
We have also developed and continue to use several special-purpose computer codes. Most often, we can perform several levels of analysis—simple model or equation, one-dimensional or analytical code, and multi-dimensional code—for confident predictions.
Computations are a valuable tool in just about everything we do, including:
Warhead Design
We are able to bring to bear an array of analytical tools for predicting warhead performance, including shaped charges, explosively formed penetrators, fragment warheads, and underwater warheads.
Computer Code Development
We have developed a suite of computer tools that we continue to use in our R&D efforts. When needed, we have modified or contributed to the development of general-purpose codes.
Thermo-Structural Analysis
We are able to analyze the equilibrium and dynamic response of structures to stresses and thermal loads.
Animations of computer simulations reveal the behavior of projectiles that penetrate in a stable (top) and an unstable, swerving manner.